Be Like a Little Child

A near-death experience (NDE) is a crash course in how to effortlessly detach from the limited perspective of the self. Imagine instantly transcending every basic need for survival and every desire that your heart and imagination can conjure up? Imagine finding yourself in a realm of endless possibilities. If given the ability to soar freely through the cosmos, why would you choose to remain grounded, peering into the divine through a peephole?

The challenge of a near-death experience happens when the soul returns to the physical body and physical world. Describing this experience is like sharing tales of a revolutionary discovery without the aid of any visuals. While on the other side, I was instructed to remind people to be like a little child. However, returning to innocence takes radical change, especially for those who are on a spiritual, religious, or scholarly path. Perhaps, one of the hardest things to do later in life is to unravel all the lessons that you have accumulated the hard way and become open again, willing to see what comes next and how to love each new experience into existence.

Insisting upon being “right” or adhering strictly to a set of beliefs often leads us away from love and, paradoxically, away from the very essence of the paths, religions, or set of moral standards that we claim to follow and understand. A willingness to learn, grow, and evolve is the hardest first, second, and final step for every single one of us. Love is the goal…not being “better/smarter/faster/tougher/more prepared/more devout” than others. That’s ego. We certainly don’t take “being better than others” into the afterlife. Love is all that we take with us when we leave these bodies.

Reminding people to be like a little child echoes a particular teaching of Jesus. In Matthew 18, the disciples of Jesus asked him, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Of course, Jesus answered the child. The one who is authentic, innocent, loving, humble, and true. Not the ones who went to church every Sunday and couldn’t love (or even tolerate) anyone but themselves or those like themselves. Not the ones who condemned, gossiped, held grudges, withheld forgiveness, and refused to have fun or joy. Not those people. The child. The one without shame. The vulnerable one. The meek one. The humble one. The loving one. That’s the one.

A Few of My Favorite Things

This year, I’ve had fun creating and connecting with you through YouTube Shorts. I wish you plenty of time in the New Year to focus on your creativity, your work, and your joy.

A bit about connecting with your angels and guides!
When I hear atheists argue, I actually like some of their points because of their intelligence and academic study. However, I do think they lack experience with the realm of consciousness outside of the physical form.
Over the years, I have loved studying archetypes from the writings Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Caroline Myss and others. My college students enjoy finding their particular archetypes through this quick online test. They often report enjoying the creativity and openness of this discussion more than the traditional discussions based on Myers Briggs, DISC, etc. 

Throughout time, the archetypes that I’ve resonated most with are the Artist/Creative, Spiritual Seeker, Explorer, Eternal Child, Sacred Clown, Sage, Healer, and Alchemist/Magician. Obviously, with these archetypes, my life has been a wild ride. And, if I laugh “too much,” it is only because we all are moving at quick speeds through eternity. And, I have great compassion for myself and others on their rides.

When you have died and know the other side, you know the ending and the beginning. Only the middle is a surprise, but even then I get flashes of knowing. I find it challenging to take anything too seriously because I never forget my soul’s eternal knowing and permanent residence. 

Here’s to joy in the middle and on the wild ride of your life!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, & YouTube Shorts

I have had an enormous amount of fun creating uplifting, thought-provoking YouTube Shorts from the Limitless Love Online Summit I recently hosted with Shaun Lether through the Conscious Awakening Network.

Here are some of these YouTube Shorts from the guests that have resonated with people. You can find each of their full interviews on my YouTube channel.

Spreading Peace and Kindness One Thought Bubble at a Time

Many people who follow me and reach out to me are sensitive, empathic individuals who feel the terrors and tragedies of this world deeply. They are people who want to make a difference. I made this video for those who feel that their efforts are not enough. They are. Keep working in the direction of light. Keep empowering those around you. Keep centering your messages around the potential for greater peace.

I know that it is difficult to stay informed when the news is intensely visual. I like to remind people that reading instead of viewing the news allows you to add your own critical thinking to what is written and also allows you to decide what direction to point your energy. 

These complex problems cannot be solved in a day, but let’s think long-term solutions. If you are a therapist and decide to take more classes to help children with PTSD perhaps you are preparing yourself for the day when you can help a child leaving a war-torn environment. Perhaps, you are preparing yourself for a future volunteering opportunity to work with children who have been liberated from trafficking. If you are writing a children’s book, imagine that this book might remind a child of his or her resilience, goodness, and strength. Your efforts in the direction of healing and peace matter.

We cannot turn away from what this world is undergoing, and it will not diminish your life if you jump into the real work of this world. It will connect you at a deeper level to purpose and all that you want. You are capable of holding this world in your heart. Adding light to the darkness is our work. We don’t turn away from the darkness, we show up and offer kindness. We remind others that they can heal and that they have access to a flow of unconditional love.

I don’t always understand how spirit works, and I was shocked back in 1995 when Yitzhak Rabin’s spirit showed up and gave me a message. I wondered why a Prime Minister of Israel would take the time to communicate with me, someone who he didn’t know. Perhaps, I was simply there with him as he transitioned. 

I went into meditation as soon as I heard he was assassinated followed him on his journey. This happened the first semester I was back at college after my near-death experience, and I was wide open and soaking up everything I could learn about the spiritual journey. Rabin’s spirit told me that working toward a peaceful world is very difficult work and requires the participation of the majority of people on the earth. Peace must spread in the hearts and minds of people before it is evident in the physical realm.

Any work we do to help others release trauma, judgment, pain and other triggers gives them space for peace. Any work we do to create more peace in our own lives gives us greater energy to help others find peace. We are all indeed connected, so when you do the hard work of this world in helping others, you benefit greatly from these efforts. Your soul knows its destiny is greater than the situations of your life.

If I know anything, I know that you are greatly blessed as you bless others, no matter your religion or background. No matter how much you have personally suffered, there is always someone who needs a hand to help them stand up again.

Kindness Can Lead to Profound Societal Changes

“Pessimists say that this is a dystopian science fiction nightmare, and that human beings divided into savage tribes will end up devouring one another, like in Cormac McCarthy’s terrifying novel The Road. Realists think that this will pass, as so many other catastrophes have passed throughout history, and we will have to deal with the long-term consequences. We, the optimists, believe that this is the shock needed to amend our course, a unique opportunity to make profound changes. We can’t continue in a civilization based on unbridled materialism, greed, and violence.”
― Isabel Allende

Nature is made of inevitable cycles of birth & death, creation & destruction. However, when you orient your focus on what you can create, you naturally focus less on destruction. Everything is not going to “get worse,” unless that is your focus. If you turn your attention primarily on collapsing systems in deep need of creative, uplifting ideas, there isn’t room for the magic of creation. Your physical existence is finite. Answers are infinite. 

So, rest and relax. Open your mind to creativity. The power of your consciousness and the power of your higher self can direct energy, but you must decide what to direct into being. One act of kindness can shift an entire timeline. No matter how much has gone wrong, one kind deed matters in a sea of cruelty. That is the place where the miraculous can grow.

Near-death experiencers often bring back a message of love and unity, but humanity (and a lot of NDErs/Spiritual Teachers/Ministers) haven’t completely mastered the art of basic and consistent kindness. Can we expect greatness from the rest of society when those talking about love struggle to be loving?

I’ve talked about being gaslit, lied about, defamed, and abused/attacked by people desperate for a following in the spiritual community. I’m grateful that energy of attack isn’t within me. A clear mind and a heart that wishes success and happiness for everyone helps me sleep very well at night. But, I can work on not snapping back at a triggering comment on YouTube. I can remember that sarcasm isn’t everyone’s favorite dish. I can set boundaries with more grace. We can all work on creating from a place of kindness.

Healing is knowing yourself well enough to let the light shine through you and show up as your best self, even if others misunderstand you, even if every human being around you is triggered and ready for a fight. After deep meditations, you can walk out of fires into the most beautiful of seasons and creations.

Many strong souls set an intention to come into the world and see the light in the middle of great darkness and create something better. Believe that you are one of these souls!

“Whatever was still alive had reason for hope.” –Victor Frankl

YouTube Link for the Limitless Love Online Summit

Hello Beautiful Light-Filled Souls,

Thanks to those of you who showed up for the Limitless Love Online Summit this Saturday, Dec. 2nd. I enjoyed seeing some familiar names in the webinar chat.  I am very grateful for my co-host Shaun Lether and for the Conscious Awakening Network for hosting and streaming this event.

Here is the YouTube link for the event if you missed the event or want to check out specific speakers you did not hear. 

7 Amazing Near-death Experiencers Share Their Unique Stories And Wisdom At The Limitless Love Summit – YouTube

Please do let me know of other events you might enjoy.  

Have a beautiful, blessed week and holiday! 

Tricia Barker

The Limitless Love of Near-Death Experiences

I’m excited to co-host a beautiful day (Dec. 2nd 9am to 4:30pm MST) of talking with near-death experiencers about the limitless love they encountered on the other side.

Seven different experiencers will cover a range of topics including glimpses of the future, deep forgiveness, miraculous physical healings, spontaneous mediumship, and revelations from guides and angels. 

The speakers will also share their endeavors to promote healing within their communities, and throughout the world.

Shaun Lether and I are looking forward to hosting this event and asking your questions to the speakers.

Hope you will meet us there!  Click here to join this FREE event through the Conscious Awakening Network. It will be streamed on multiple platforms including Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, Pandora, Samsung Music, etc.

DATE: December 2nd
9am – 4:30 pm MST

HOSTS Shaun Lether (Love Beyond the Veil) and Tricia Barker (Angels in the OR)



Branden Densmore – Quantum Forgiveness

Felice DiMartino – Transmissions from Love

11:00- 11:50AM
David Williamson – Grounding and Integration

Jose Hernandez – Inner Immersion

Susan Dyer – Merging with the Unnamable

Steve Noack – Quantum Healing with the Trinity

Jason Janas – Return to Innocence

Wrap up and Meditation

What Stops Love from Spreading Worldwide as Quickly as Hate?

I have interviewed many near-death experiencers, and I have had my own profound NDE. Most of us conclude that earth is a school for the soul, and we come here to remember that the energy of unconditional love heals all wounds. We know that our true “home” is a place of deep love and forgiveness. Most NDErs want to be of service to humanity and remind others to at least be kind and do no harm. Why then, do messages and acts of polarization, hate, outrage, war, and torture spread so quickly? Why do messages of unconditional love and healing run in the background like a soothing waterfall or white noise? Can the algorithms be changed? Can the focus be changed?

You can start with your breath. You can start with directing your focus. You can breathe out all that triggers you, all that you do not wish to see in the world. You can imagine a better world and do what you can energetically and realistically to move in the direction of your positive dreams for yourself and everyone else. Start by giving yourself empathy and unconditional love. Override programs that tell you this isn’t possible.

You can transcend squares, triangles and other limitations that society tries to push our unlimited potential into. For example, most of my life I have spent time healing from the victim role and being a rescuer of others. I don’t understand bullies, and I don’t understand why online harassment and violent threats are protected under “free speech” in my country. All this does is cause people to shut down and stop communicating messages of love and messages of inner freedom.

Instead of shutting down, it is better to transcend this dynamic, to be a form of consciousness beyond this triangle (bully-victim-rescuer) of torture. Unconditional love frees and loves us all, healing us of unconscious bias and patterns. How do you transcend these dynamics? First, you imagine what that looks like for you. For me, it is a combination of moving forward in the light and refusing to be shut down. For me, it is doing what I love and loving what I do.

And, on that note, on December 2nd, Shaun Lether and I will be talking with seven different near-death experiencers. This talk will be broadcast across many networks including Roku TV, Apple TV, Fire TV, and Android devices. More information will be coming soon!

If you remember, I was one of the first people to interview Jose Hernandez, and I was stunned by his story. I felt much healing from his NDE story. Jose’s NDE story has recently been featured on the Netflix docu-series, Surviving Death. His team at Inner Immersion focuses on helping mental health professionals and addiction specialists make significant breakthroughs that create lasting change with underserved and vulnerable populations, addiction recovery, and high trauma professions. We will talk about his work in the world and how his NDE led him to this focus.

I’ve been looking forward to talking with David Williamson for many months now. Prior to his NDE, David’s health was compromised by anger. He had been deeply affected by identity confusion, generational trauma, racial trauma, and rigid orientations toward ideology and personality. On the other side, he learned ways of healing his body and living life with a different, healing energy. He continues to ground and integrate practical approaches to living and manifesting the best possible realties.

I’m also very excited to interview other NDErs including Felice Dimartino who is an Intuitive Channel, Futuring Facilitator, Educational Consultant, Multidimensional Guide and Emissary of Light.

And Jason Janas who reminds people that no matter what you are going through fear is an illusion, a part of this dream. We are energy, we are powerful, and we are never alone. Our guides are with us always.

Photo by Rifqi Ramadhan on

Creativity and Future Visions

The Fifth Sacred Thing by Jessica Perlstein

Creativity flourishes when we are rested, aligned with nature, and have our basic needs provided. And, when we are supported beyond our basic needs, creativity skyrockets. However, many of my community college students are struggling to provide for their basic needs, and they also report varying levels of anxiety and depression. Some students think about the possibility of a school shooting every single day. Some students have recently had their personal safety threatened and are dealing with the aftereffects of trauma.

I frequently refer students to counseling and remind them about the support services offered on our campus. And, in my classroom, I work hard to create safe communities where every student is welcome to learn, share, grow, change, and heal. After decades of working in education, I know that every single person is healing from something and is deserving of kindness. My hope and the hope of most educators and administrators is to witness our students becoming more empowered, resilient, motivated, informed, and emotionally intelligent because of their studies at community college.

None of us can deny that the information age is overwhelming us with a deluge of negative predictions. It is challenging to dream and focus on the positive when another mass shooting happens down the road. I know my students will naturally feel more discouraged and anxious because of realities in our world.

To create balance, it is important for students (and all of us) to imagine what we want to create in the future and what it would realistically take to create this future.

Through research, my students found that time in nature has numerous benefits including “..improved attention, lower stress, better mood, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders and even upticks in empathy and cooperation.” Beyond this, students began to question their diets, their consumption, and examine ways they might be able to influence city planners and government officials.

My focus on climate resilient awareness for environmental sustainability in English 1301 was not to add to student’s anxiety levels, but to help them understand that when old patterns are broken, new, beautiful worlds can emerge. Afterall, one of the messages from my near-death experience commanded me to, “Remind them to go to nature.”

Sarah Nicol (who developed the company G.I.V.E. 4R FUTURE which includes customizable-hybrid-supplemental-agile units for instructors) inspired me to add this new focus on environmental sustainability to my class. Sarah and I agree that our world needs big thinkers with creative ideas and the knowledge to implement these ideas.

For one of their first essays, I asked my students to imagine sustainable, happy futures and imagine how they had contributed successfully to these changes.

The students wrote about cities they knew well 30 to 50 years in the future. I was entertained and encouraged by their creations. Here are a few examples–

Electric Cars and Clean Air in Crowley, 2055

Alex P. writes, “In the year 2055 all you see on the roads are electric vehicles. I even have one, and I remember the joy I experienced when I first bought the fastest electric car on the market. Funny enough, she was called the 817 Lightning, and I named her Flash. Loved driving her around, knowing the only thing she was doing was getting the kids excited about having a Lightning one day.

Once a small town, Crowley is now the leader in innovation of green powered technology. Imagine this, you wake up, you hear the beautiful birds singing, wind rustling through the trees, kids using vines to swing as if they are spiderman. It is a beautiful pollution-free day, and you whir up your electric vehicle and ride through the beautiful new city that once was just a small grey town.

How did I contribute to all these changes? Well, I had a little tool called imagination, and that is how every single invention has been made. You keep working until your ideas become a reality…”

Earth Day in New Fort Worth, 2073

Jessica G. writes, “Every Earth Day we celebrate by planting more in our neighborhood gardens, spreading wildflower seeds on all the paths, and planting more fruit-barring trees in different parts of the city. These lessons will carry through generations. We cannot afford to revert to old ways and give up our only planet for cheap deliveries and convenience. The weather of all countries has returned to pre-industrial revolution states, and we love seeing the stars at night. Humans are meant to dream and be in touch with the inspiration that comes from our beautiful earth.”

Photo by Pixabay on

New Seattle, 2080

Bryan F. writes, “After the volcanic explosion, New Seattle emerged as the cleanest city in the nation with the only pollution being from general waste of the people living there. New Seattle became so self-sustainable that Washington State no longer had a need to import or export goods. Seeing the success of New Seattle, many people called out to the entire nation to invoke change in all the cities, not just New Seattle. The idea that the entire world could work together and clean up our amazing planet took people by storm. The push swept across the entire world changing our way of life. Being a part of this change might be one of most heroic things I’ve done.”

Fast Fashion and Teleportation in Kyiv, 2093

Shakayla H. writes, “Additionally, what was shocking to me was Kyiv’s system of on-a-go clothing development. Around each of the subway stations, vending machines offered customers personalized, eco-friendly garments on the go. You insert five dollars, and take a stand near the scan, which will automatically scan your body shape. Then, the indicator board shows you the colors, patterns, and stitches you can choose to create a fashionable look. If you dislike the offered options, you can connect to the internet and select any image you wish— from famous Michelangelo paintings to pictures of cars.

After you confirm the look, you only need to enter the cabin and take off your clothes. The machine automatically utilizes a spray, which covers your body in the garment of a desired form, color, and image. The clothes made of this technology remind me of the Torres runway show, where Bella Hadid was covered in a fabric, a liquid fabric that created a dress.

The clothes are completely degradable. Thus, they are elastic, the clothes will not tear. Additionally, if the person falls, the clothes will be fine and protect the human body from trauma. It is possible to get rid of the clothes by cutting them with scissors and then disposing of the pieces on the ground. The pieces will dissolve and serve as fertilizer to the crops. Due to their affordability, finances achieved from the vending machines are transmitted to the shelters for homeless people.  Kyiv evolved from an unknown, decimated city in Eastern Europe to an ecological and aesthetic community with a high quality of life.

Finally, the city of Kyiv launched teleport stations around its subway areas. I noticed that teleporting as a means of transportation was quite new and experimental. There was a black ark, and on the left, there was a screening tool where the person selected the location in various subway stations. I asked people about the tool, and they responded that the major and chief engineers launched the initiative of teleporting. The automobile and airplane industries produced extremely high carbon emissions in 2053, which led to an ecological catastrophe. Then, people started using flying cars powered by solar energy. However, in 2081, the national committee of ecological welfare of Ukraine announced the initiative to develop teleporting stations to substitute flying machines. Hence, Ukraine was a pioneer in teleporting engineering.”

Tricia Barker

Spiritual Community and Interviews

I’m a huge fan of ThetaHealing pioneered by Vianna Stibal, and if you are available, I would love to meet with you on zoom for nights of healing and downloads on Oct. 12th and Oct. 19th at 7:00 p.m. Central Time.

On October 12th, the clearings and downloads will focus on worthiness, self-love, joy, and healthy relationships.  We’ll also work on replacing programs associated with anxiety, depression, defeatism, and exhaustion and replace these programs with programs for serenity, hope about the future, health, strength, and vigor. In the chat section, you can suggest personal breakthrough you would like, and I’ll add some healings catered to the group.

On October 19th, the clearings will focus on breaking negative patterning around work, abundance, and long-term goals.  We’ll particularly work on replacing “wanting” energy with the energy of being in creative flow. In the chat section, you can suggest personal breakthrough you would like, and I’ll add some healings catered to the group.

If you don’t want to attend the spiritual community regularly but you would like to pop in for these nights, send a love donation and I’ll send the zoom link to you.

Also, I’d like to remind you to be grateful for the variety of life experiences. I’ve been reflecting on all the different media outlets and magazines that have been curious about my near-death experience. I’m always happy to reach people in a way that comforts them about the dying process and reminds people that there is more compassion and light on that other side than we might imagine.

Some interviews were more of a joy than others, and at times I was mostly grateful to myself for holding an energy of peace but not backing down in the face of people who tried to diminish me or my story. That was the case on the Dr. OZ show. The show was highly stylized.

Although the writers for the show tried to diminish my experience and frame it differently than I tell it, I held my ground. I didn’t need “an expert” to tell me about my experience as it was my experience, and I understand it intimately. Also, as a dog lover, I’m horrified by the latest accusations about Oz. However, I’m grateful for any exposure, including the exposure on his show because it gave me the chance to comfort someone in a hospital room or someone isolated at home who needed to hear about near-death experiences.

Some of my favorite interviews were the ones where I got to know the journalists. The article for Women’s World Magazine was fantastic, and I’m definitely excited for the show on GAIA to air soon.

I’m grateful for all the bloggers, Vloggers, and Podcasters who reached out to me. I’ve met many kind people over the last few years. Here are two recent interviews–one on YouTube on a wonderful channel called Next Level Soul and a cool blog called Mystic Mag.

We need community at this time more than ever, so I hope you have spiritual community. If you can join mine, I’d love to meet with you. If you would like to schedule a reading, I’m open to making hour long readings 30 minutes. Sometimes, you only need a bit of support and that is fine. I’m also open to lowering the price if you buy a package of readings. Contact me and check my schedule!

Thanks to everyone who has reached out to me for a reading or ThetaHealing. I’m sending you light on your journey. Many blessings….Tricia Barker